Eoin Flood
Eoin Flood is renowned for his unique interpretations of the classical guitar’s
repertoire, performing widely across the US, UK and Ireland and recently invited
to perform at the International Concert Artist’s Series at the Miller Theatre NYC
to great acclaim. It was the studio of Mark Delpriora at the Manhattan School of
Music that first attracted Eoin to the city, where he was twice placed on the Dean’s
List in recognition of his outstanding achievement in performance and academic
studies. Originally from Dublin, Eoin began his music education with Dr. John
Feeley at the D.I.T. Conservatory of Music and Drama. There he received his
Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Performance through classical guitar,
both with Distinction. He was awarded the college Gold Medal and the Patrick
Flood Cup, both for high achievement in performance. Following his MMus, Eoin
studied with Marion Hyland at the Royal Irish Academy of Music and Graham
Anthony Devine in London, before completing his Artist Diploma in Manhattan.
Eoin has enjoyed a busy career in performance. He has given high profile
Classical Guitar recitals in several locations across Ireland, including the National
Concert Hall and St. Patricks Cathedral, and in the UK, including the London
Oratory, South Kensington and Cambridge. Eoin has worked closely with
composer Roland Dyens as soloist in a production of his Concerto en Si for the
Dublin Guitar Festival. In addition to solo performing career, Eoin is an
accomplished, chamber musician; and baroque guitarist. He recently performed as
Baroque Guitarist in a production of Cavalli’s baroque opera Doriclea in New York,
and performs with guitarist Morgan Buckley in their duo The Hibernian Guitar
This year at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, Eoin has been awarded
the college’s Fiosraigh scholarship to pursue PhD research into the influence of
African cultural assimilation in Cuba, with a focus on the prolific contemporary
guitar composer Leo Brouwer. Over the course of this research Eoin will include
the works of Brouwer in numerous performances and lecture recitals
internationally. This year Eoin has been invited to present a lecture recital at the
International Guitar Research Center in Surrey and the Performance Studies
Network in Bath. This paper features two new African inspired commissions from
composers Steve Goss and Mark Delpriora.