Dear friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official webpage of the Annual Festival of Russian Culture in Dublin. The Russian Festival represents a wonderful opportunity for Dubliners and guests of the Irish capital to get acquainted with Russian culture and meet our vast community in Ireland.
The Russian Embassy supports Russian speaking community in organizing cultural events in connection with Russian national celebrations. This event is organized in collaboration with the Dublin City Council and
the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ireland. By virtue of these joint efforts every year we have a chance to see many interesting, exciting and very emotional performances by Russian and Irish artists. I believe that every next Festival makes our peoples a little bit closer and helps Russian compatriots and our Irish friends to live side by side in harmony and respect.
In the light of the current anti-COVID restrictions the Festival is now held in the online formatonly. On this web-site and the Festival page in “Facebook” you will find videos of concerts of Irish musicians playing Russian classical music as well as documentaries about Russia, Russian films and cartoons in English. I kindly invite everyone to visit this site and get to know the Russian cultural heritage.
In addition, we hope that next year situation will return to normal and Dubliners will once again have opportunity to visit the Russian festival and other cultural events.
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ireland