Festival of Russian Culture 2019, 2nd – 10th of March Programme of events
3 March
12.00 – Official launch of the festival and concert of Russian classical music performed by renowned Irish and Russian musicians, including renowned pianist Victor Ryabchikov, Stan O’Beirne, the winner of the 1st International John Field Piano Competition, Ulysses Trio (Owen Lorigan — piano, Claudie Driesen — violin, Violetta-Valérie Muth – cello) and soprano Lorna Breen.
Special guest: Julian Henry Lowenfeld, poet and translator of Russian literature, one of the best translator of Alexander Pushkin.
Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane
05 March
18.30 – Gala evening Alexander Pushkin and John Field: The Golden Age of Russian culture presented by renowned poets and musicians. Presented by the renowned poet and translator Julian Henry Lowenfeld and Moscow pianist Victor Ryabchikov. Trinity College, Dublin.
06 March
19.00 – The debate and history talk Two Revolutions. Two countries. Film screening and talk on diplomatic relations between the Soviet Russia and the Republic of Ireland.
The film by Billy Murray tells the story of Rosamond and Kathleen Ffrench, members of a gentry family who lived in both Russia and Ireland (Monivea) during the war and revolutionary period of the early 20th century. Presentation of Michael Quinn’s The Saga of Irish-Soviet Loans and Some Czarist Jewels, 1920-49
Free admission. Language of the event: English. Translation to Russian is possible if required.
The Ireland Institute, 27 Pearse Street, Dublin
08 March
19.00 – The music of Love, an evening of Russian music and talk by the prize-winning translator, Julian Henry Lownfeld, best known for his translations of Alexander Pushkin’s poetry into English. Danny Burns, Pearse Street, Mullingar. Admission €5
09 March
11.00 – Meet the Russian award winning song and music writer Grigory Gladkov. This event is for children. Nasha Shkola, Dundalk, Co. Louth
10 March
13.00 – 17.00 – Family Day at the Liberty Hall, Dublin.
Entertainment for children and families, including, arts and crafts market, master classes and 2 shows:
Performing acts: Grigory Gladkov, Moscow Cossack Choir and many more
Tickets are from €7.50 and are available on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/russian-family-day-and-concert-tickets-55453381557?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
The festival is organised by non-for-profit organisation Russian Bridge and is supported by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ireland, Russian Cultural Centre Matryoshka, Russian Ireland Association, Nasha Gazeta Publishers, Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane, the Ireland Institute.